I currently work for Mosaic Powered in their Analytic Design division helping to maintain and develop sites. Prior to that, I worked for BigCommerce as a Technical Support Specialist and am also a certified developer for them. Working in the trenches is a great way to learn all of the intricacies of a platform. The following websites were built using WordPress. While working for Parker Web, I helped maintain mostly WordPress sites but we maintained sites from other platforms such as Miva, Joomla, and some straight up HTML sites.

Redstone Bass Guitars
Wishing Tom the best as we launch his new website for Redstone Bass Guitars! Tom is an accomplished luthier and bass guitarist pouring his heart and soul into his custom bass guitars. Visit is his site frequently to see his latest works.
Sixkiller Guitars
I built this site using the Eighstore Light theme by 8Degree Themes and installed WooCommerce for posting products for sale. I added some customizations such as the header background, which I designed in Photoshop to fit with his retro look and feel.
Jeff Eldridge Photography
This is a site that I have rebuilt a few times over the years. The original one was built manually using PHP.
The Gift of Glass Design
Connie’s business took a big leap after publishing her site just before the holiday season. We’ve included a photo gallery for customers to get ideas, as well as a store for items available to purchase.